Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Act Like You Have a Crush on Everyone in the World

So girls.. you know how boys act when they have a crush on you? Like, how they do any little thing they can think of to make you smile? And boys, you know how you act towards girls you have crushes on? You know.. insanely nice for no reason at all?

Well, I was thinking. What if everyone acted that way to everyone they ran across for no reason at all.. What if everyone was just that incredibly nice? Instead of only being nice to people when you want their attention or wanted them to like you.. what if you were nice to people without even caring what they thought of it? What if you just did it because it's the right thing to do? Imagine what a better place the world would be. I know I'm just a girl and I can't change the world.. but my thoughts are surely worth something. So hopefully you'll give my thoughts a thought (lol) and really consider what small contribution you could make to help the earth spin a little more smoothly.

Just say hello to someone you normally ignore.. Or instead of laughing at the kid who drops their stuff in the hallways, why don't you help them? Or if you're really that scared to be nice.. just smile more. The world could always use more smiles :)

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