Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Act Like You Have a Crush on Everyone in the World

So girls.. you know how boys act when they have a crush on you? Like, how they do any little thing they can think of to make you smile? And boys, you know how you act towards girls you have crushes on? You know.. insanely nice for no reason at all?

Well, I was thinking. What if everyone acted that way to everyone they ran across for no reason at all.. What if everyone was just that incredibly nice? Instead of only being nice to people when you want their attention or wanted them to like you.. what if you were nice to people without even caring what they thought of it? What if you just did it because it's the right thing to do? Imagine what a better place the world would be. I know I'm just a girl and I can't change the world.. but my thoughts are surely worth something. So hopefully you'll give my thoughts a thought (lol) and really consider what small contribution you could make to help the earth spin a little more smoothly.

Just say hello to someone you normally ignore.. Or instead of laughing at the kid who drops their stuff in the hallways, why don't you help them? Or if you're really that scared to be nice.. just smile more. The world could always use more smiles :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Female Rapper Showdown: Nicki vs. Keys

Okay so first watch the video.. otherwise you won't understand where I'm coming from.

Creative Advertising

Ew, I can't decide if this would make me wanna by their product or not. It's creative and clever.. but kinda creepy. What do you think?

Downfall of Americanism

People have been divided on how our government should be run from day one when President Washington took office. The reason for this is obvious- a large mass of people will never be in total agreement. That's totally logical and there's no problem there. However, political factions are going to be what ruins essential American ideals.

Democrat, Republican. Red, blue. Donkey, elephant. You know what all this is? A bunch of tradition that people get caught up on. It isn't necessarily about what the candidate believes. It's about what people think they have to do based on their "core identity" as either a Democrat or Republican. People seem to have forgotten how to think on their own. Just because the political party they belong to believes something, they feel like the have to adopt that belief as well. Political beliefs are not about conformity to your party. That's just totally backwards. People should develop their own political views by educating themselves on current issues or historical occurrence. Then, once they develop an educated view, they should align themselves with a candidate who is most representative of their personal views- regardless of the candidates political party.

In recent years, there has been an incredible amount of conflict between the Republican and Democratic parties. It seems that year after year the parties set themselves more and more apart by taking opposite positions on things. It's almost as if they take opposite views just to separate themselves from "the other side"- it isn't even about what they truly believe. Again with the mindless belief system nonsense... But anyways, I guess people don't see how potentially harmful it is to keep drawing lines in the sand with your fellow countrymen. We're supposed to be the United States of America, not the States of America Divided Between Republicans and Democrats. We're all just supposed to keep the original American ideals of freedom, individualism, and self-determination at the forefront of our minds. If we can do that, we'll probably have a lot more unified beliefs when it comes to how the country should be governed and who should govern it.